Monday Night Pirate Golf League


We play a 9-hole league at Westchase Golf Club every Monday night for 26 weeks, starting in March each year.  The League consists of a 1st half and a 2nd half, with a Championship Round the final week of the season.  We pay 1st-4th place for each half, plus the overall season, and also in the Championship Round.

Scoring is done using our modified Stableford system.  You receive 2 points for each week you play, plus 1 point for every player you beat that week in the quota game.  We also have 1 scramble per half.  Entry fee is $40 for the entire season, and golf is $25 each week.  You sign up and pay for golf in our App each week you play.  Each round, a player's quota adjusts by 1 point if they exceed or miss their quota.  Each player's Monday Night Pirate Golf League quota adjusts indpenedently from their main quota and their Black Skull Golf League quota. $3 out of the weekly fees per player goes to the games each round.  $1 from each player goes to the winner of the quota game.  $1 goes to a closest-to-the-pin on a par 3 hole.  $1 is split between skins winners.  Play as much or little as you like!

Westchase Golf Club

League Scoring

Hole in One 10
Double Eagle 8
Eagle 4
Birdie 3
Par 2
Bogey 1
Double Bogey 0.5
Triple Bogey 0

Sep 30 Leaderboard

# quota score pts quota +/- MNPGL pts
Tony Ambrose
7 44/+8 11.5 +4.5 +21
David Blondino
8 45/+9 11 +3 +18
Ken Broome
9 43/+7 12 +3 +18
Manuel Villar
9 42/+6 12 +3 +18
Ken Brantley
14 38/+2 16.5 +2.5 +17
Victor Castro
14 38/+2 16 +2 +16
Chris Bosworth
8 48/+12 9.5 +1.5 +14
Jason Harmon
14 39/+3 15.5 +1.5 +14
Matt Campo
7 48/+12 8 +1 +13
Fabian Zamora
11 44/+8 11.5 +0.5 +11
Tarun Godiyal
8 48/+12 8.5 +0.5 +11
Bob Bozek
7 51/+15 6.5 -0.5 +9
CJ Collins
10 47/+11 9.5 -0.5 +9
Tres Fenton
13 43/+7 12 -1 +8
Byron Winston
8 52/+16 6 -2 +7
Alex Hinton
7 55/+19 4.5 -2.5 +3
Bill Capito
10 49/+13 7.5 -2.5 +3
David Little
5 58/+22 2.5 -2.5 +3
Ted Porter
5 58/+22 2.5 -2.5 +3
Patrick Brangan
13 47/+11 9.5 -3.5 +2


Hole #1

PAR: 4

Hole #2

PAR: 5

Hole #3

PAR: 3

Hole #4

PAR: 4

Hole #5

PAR: 4

Hole #6

PAR: 4

Hole #7

PAR: 3
Chris Bosworth - Birdie
Ken Brantley - Birdie
Tony Ambrose - Birdie

Hole #8

PAR: 5
Jason Harmon - Birdie

Hole #9

PAR: 4


1 CJ Collins
Quota: 9
227 14
2 Phillip Wilson
Quota: 12
225 13
3 Matt Campo
Quota: 8
224 15
4 Jason Harmon
Quota: 15
210 15
5 Bill Capito
Quota: 9
205 13
6 Manuel Villar
Quota: 10
203 13
7 Bob Bozek
Quota: 6
201 13
8 Efrain Cruz
Quota: 9
198 13
9 Tres Fenton
Quota: 12
174 10
10 Toby Sager
Quota: 9
164 11
11 Tarun Godiyal
Quota: 9
163 12
12 Dave Tomello
Quota: 10
162 11
13 Chris Jones
Quota: 8
161 11
14 Ed Santos
Quota: 6
159 10
15 Ted Porter
Quota: 5
158 13
16 Carlos Marcelino
Quota: 13
154 9
16 David Little
Quota: 5
154 14
18 Jack Coffey
Quota: 10
137 8
19 Ken Brantley
Quota: 15
131 11
20 Ken Broome
Quota: 10
125 9
20 Patrick Brangan
Quota: 12
125 8
22 Anthony Sferra
Quota: 7
117 8
23 Chance Carter
Quota: 5
116 9
24 Richard Barrett
Quota: 7
106 7
25 Bill Kilichowski
Quota: 10
104 8
26 Byron Winston
Quota: 7
97 6
27 Khanh Ong
Quota: 7
92 6
28 Jonathan Lawrence
Quota: 5
90 6
29 Robert Ballesteros
Quota: 11
75 5
30 David Blondino
Quota: 9
69 5
31 Billy Capito
Quota: 5
62 5
32 Fabian Zamora
Quota: 12
55 4
33 Fernando Fernandez
Quota: 12
51 3
34 Jason Silva
Quota: 10
48 4
35 Jeremy Lawrence
Quota: 5
47 7
36 Fraser Henderson
Quota: 5
43 3
37 John Eukovich
Quota: 10
39 3
37 Ntengwa Mukosa
Quota: 16
39 2
39 Jimmy Willman
Quota: 7
36 1
40 Tony Ambrose
Quota: 8
34 2
40 Victor Castro
Quota: 15
34 4
42 Gerardo Reyes
Quota: 5
32 5
43 Jeff De Trano
Quota: 13
31 2
43 Trent Grubb
Quota: 6
31 8
45 Joe Fodero
Quota: 13
28 3
46 Alex Hinton
Quota: 6
26 2
47 Jim Mason
Quota: 6
24 2
48 Chris Bosworth
Quota: 9
15 2
49 Donnie Rogers
Quota: 10
12 1
AJ Aiello
Quota: 5
Andrew Torres
Quota: 14
Antonio Galaviz
Quota: 10
Bart Ziegler
Quota: 11
Binh Bui
Quota: 8
Donald Jensen
Quota: 14
Ernest Munzen
Quota: 9
Fausto Diaz
Quota: 7
Gabe Aluisy
Quota: 18
Helen Wu
Quota: 5
Jacob Bostic
Quota: 6
James Hughes
Quota: 7
Kenneth Distefano
Quota: 14
Matthew Little
Quota: 13
Ryan Murphy
Quota: 10
Terry Richardson
Quota: 13
Todd Broadbent
Quota: 9
Tommy Donohue
Quota: 15
Tyler Bennett
Quota: 17
Victor Delgado
Quota: 10
Wade Neller
Quota: 13


1 Patrick Brangan
Quota: 12
161 12
2 Tres Fenton
Quota: 12
147 13
3 CJ Collins
Quota: 9
146 12
4 Ken Brantley
Quota: 15
144 11
5 Victor Castro
Quota: 15
142 11
6 Manuel Villar
Quota: 10
133 12
7 Matt Campo
Quota: 8
130 12
8 Jason Harmon
Quota: 15
128 12
9 Ed Santos
Quota: 6
126 12
10 Bill Capito
Quota: 9
117 11
11 Bob Bozek
Quota: 6
116 10
12 Bill Kilichowski
Quota: 10
115 10
13 Tarun Godiyal
Quota: 9
89 8
14 Phillip Wilson
Quota: 12
86 8
15 Joe Fodero
Quota: 13
83 6
16 Chris Bosworth
Quota: 9
76 7
17 Ken Broome
Quota: 10
69 6
18 Fabian Zamora
Quota: 12
63 6
19 David Blondino
Quota: 9
60 6
20 Ted Porter
Quota: 5
54 8
21 Toby Sager
Quota: 9
44 4
22 Tony Ambrose
Quota: 8
43 5
22 Wade Neller
Quota: 13
43 5
24 Donnie Rogers
Quota: 10
40 3
25 Carlos Marcelino
Quota: 13
38 2
26 David Little
Quota: 5
36 8
27 Trent Grubb
Quota: 6
28 2
28 Gabe Aluisy
Quota: 18
24 2
29 Jack Coffey
Quota: 10
23 1
29 Ryan Murphy
Quota: 10
23 2
31 Anthony Sferra
Quota: 7
21 2
32 Bart Ziegler
Quota: 11
19 1
33 Ntengwa Mukosa
Quota: 16
18 2
33 Richard Barrett
Quota: 7
18 3
35 Chris Jones
Quota: 8
17 1
35 Robert Ballesteros
Quota: 11
17 1
37 Dave Tomello
Quota: 10
13 1
37 John Eukovich
Quota: 10
13 1
39 Chance Carter
Quota: 5
9 1
40 Alex Hinton
Quota: 6
8 3
41 Byron Winston
Quota: 7
7 1
41 Fraser Henderson
Quota: 5
7 1
41 Gerardo Reyes
Quota: 5
7 1
44 Ernest Munzen
Quota: 9
3 1
44 Victor Delgado
Quota: 10
3 1
46 Jim Mason
Quota: 6
2 1
AJ Aiello
Quota: 5
Andrew Torres
Quota: 14
Antonio Galaviz
Quota: 10
Billy Capito
Quota: 5
Binh Bui
Quota: 8
Donald Jensen
Quota: 14
Efrain Cruz
Quota: 9
Fausto Diaz
Quota: 7
Fernando Fernandez
Quota: 12
Helen Wu
Quota: 5
Jacob Bostic
Quota: 6
James Hughes
Quota: 7
Jason Silva
Quota: 10
Jeff De Trano
Quota: 13
Jeremy Lawrence
Quota: 5
Jimmy Willman
Quota: 7
Jonathan Lawrence
Quota: 5
Kenneth Distefano
Quota: 14
Khanh Ong
Quota: 7
Matthew Little
Quota: 13
Terry Richardson
Quota: 13
Todd Broadbent
Quota: 9
Tommy Donohue
Quota: 15
Tyler Bennett
Quota: 17


1 CJ Collins
Quota: 9
373 26
2 Matt Campo
Quota: 8
354 27
3 Jason Harmon
Quota: 15
338 27
4 Manuel Villar
Quota: 10
336 25
5 Bill Capito
Quota: 9
322 24
6 Tres Fenton
Quota: 12
321 23
7 Bob Bozek
Quota: 6
317 23
8 Phillip Wilson
Quota: 12
311 21
9 Patrick Brangan
Quota: 12
286 20
10 Ed Santos
Quota: 6
285 22
11 Ken Brantley
Quota: 15
275 22
12 Tarun Godiyal
Quota: 9
252 20
13 Bill Kilichowski
Quota: 10
219 18
14 Ted Porter
Quota: 5
212 21
15 Toby Sager
Quota: 9
208 15
16 Efrain Cruz
Quota: 9
198 13
17 Ken Broome
Quota: 10
194 15
18 Carlos Marcelino
Quota: 13
192 11
19 David Little
Quota: 5
190 22
20 Chris Jones
Quota: 8
178 12
21 Victor Castro
Quota: 15
176 15
22 Dave Tomello
Quota: 10
175 12
23 Jack Coffey
Quota: 10
160 9
24 Anthony Sferra
Quota: 7
138 10
25 David Blondino
Quota: 9
129 11
26 Chance Carter
Quota: 5
125 10
27 Richard Barrett
Quota: 7
124 10
28 Fabian Zamora
Quota: 12
118 10
29 Joe Fodero
Quota: 13
111 9
30 Byron Winston
Quota: 7
104 7
31 Khanh Ong
Quota: 7
92 6
31 Robert Ballesteros
Quota: 11
92 6
33 Chris Bosworth
Quota: 9
91 9
34 Jonathan Lawrence
Quota: 5
90 6
35 Tony Ambrose
Quota: 8
77 7
36 Billy Capito
Quota: 5
62 5
37 Trent Grubb
Quota: 6
59 10
38 Ntengwa Mukosa
Quota: 16
57 4
39 Donnie Rogers
Quota: 10
52 4
39 John Eukovich
Quota: 10
52 4
41 Fernando Fernandez
Quota: 12
51 3
42 Fraser Henderson
Quota: 5
50 4
43 Jason Silva
Quota: 10
48 4
44 Jeremy Lawrence
Quota: 5
47 7
45 Wade Neller
Quota: 13
43 5
46 Gerardo Reyes
Quota: 5
39 6
47 Jimmy Willman
Quota: 7
36 1
48 Alex Hinton
Quota: 6
34 5
49 Jeff De Trano
Quota: 13
31 2
50 Jim Mason
Quota: 6
26 3
51 Gabe Aluisy
Quota: 18
24 2
52 Ryan Murphy
Quota: 10
23 2
53 Bart Ziegler
Quota: 11
19 1
54 Ernest Munzen
Quota: 9
3 1
54 Victor Delgado
Quota: 10
3 1
AJ Aiello
Quota: 5
Andrew Torres
Quota: 14
Antonio Galaviz
Quota: 10
Binh Bui
Quota: 8
Donald Jensen
Quota: 14
Fausto Diaz
Quota: 7
Helen Wu
Quota: 5
Jacob Bostic
Quota: 6
James Hughes
Quota: 7
Kenneth Distefano
Quota: 14
Matthew Little
Quota: 13
Terry Richardson
Quota: 13
Todd Broadbent
Quota: 9
Tommy Donohue
Quota: 15
Tyler Bennett
Quota: 17

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